
Phone Message Script(s):

Sunday - November 10, 2019 - 7:30 pm:

Good evening, The following are the weekly announcements from Jamesville Elementary School:

Reminder - JES and MCS are not in school on Monday November 11th in observance of Veterans Day.  A special thank you to all of the veterans for their service to our country.

JES, MCS and the MCSD will be conducting a lockdown drill the week of November 11th.  A detailed message will be sent on Monday night. Please read the letter sent home on Friday.

The Morehead Planetarium will be on the JES campus on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.  The students participating in this event have already paid the fee and completed the permission forms.

The “Wonder Years” program begins this week for 4th and 5th graders. 

The second six weeks ends on November 19th.  Please make sure that you are checking your child’s bookbags, work folders and powerschool to keep up with their grades.  If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teachers.

Thank you for supporting JES.  Home of the Happy Herringbones!